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Not just mobile apps, we build user-friendly mobile experience on iOS and Android platforms.

AVELATOR Solutions stands out when it comes to quality products and solutions. With capabilities of on-board business analysts, design architects, native iOS& Android developers, cross-platform developers, testing and IT support teams, we provide unmatched mobile application development services to build solutions that solve real-life problems.


We build iOS apps with native approach, leveraging C, Objective C and Swift technologies, to bring out the best for our clients’ iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch applications. We have delivered successful apps with pixel-perfect designs, robust functionalities, and user experience customized for specific business needs and target audience.


We are building Android apps from the inception of Android platform. Our team has the best Java developers who build scalable and robust applications with clean code. We have delivered numerous apps that look elegant on every Android screen resolution, feature rich, and UX designed for latest devices as well as compatible with older OS versions.


With technology advancement Cross-Platform bring in a new approach to build apps for mobile platforms. We are amongst the early stage hybrid technology adopters and have mastered Titanium, PhoneGap, Xamarin and Ionic platforms. Our team has designed and developed visually-appealing apps with distinct abilities on multiple platforms in lesser time and cost.